January 10, 2010

Week 2 is about to begin

Well, I am hours away from officially beginning week 2 of my new business venture. I have 11 appointments with wonderful people, plus a couple of other wonderful opportunities that have come my way! More to be revealled later in the week.

This week I am focusing on some clients who've contacted me expressing their business needs. I am going to focus on plans on how my business can help their business.

I went and watched the new movie Avator today, and whilst I enjoyed it, I must say I questioned my own expectations. All I have heard is rave reviews, whilst I thought it was 'alright'. Wouldn't rate it as one of the best. Though the graphics and colour were impressive, I dare say I will quickly forget the movie. hmmm... Maybe I have become too hard to please. I have heard that it cost 50 billion to make? what the?? and that it has already made double that. Well good for them I say.

Personally I am so motivated and excited, I must be careful that I am channelling my energies into the right fields. I think I am, but as discussed in my last post, I am learning... and always hope to be.

I am looking forward to another successful and fun week! There would be a few people heading back to work tomorrow (some of us have already been around for a week)

Have a great week everybody!

Until next time...

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