January 13, 2013

Do you know the answers to these questions? Webinar 16th and 22nd January - Queensland property managers

The following questions will be asked and answered as part of the Real Estate Excellence Webinar on the 16th January 2013 - Queensland legislation.  2 Part Webinar - attend one or both.


What legislation governs the management agreement?

Do tenants have to be given an opportunity to go back and clean after a vacate? Why or why not?

Do property managers have to complete an exit condition report when carrying out a vacate?

How long do property managers have to lodge QCAT papers when a tenant has been given a form 12 for rent arrears and fail to vacate?

What form should be lodged with Tribunal if a tenant puts in an application to Tribunal but only tell half the story?

If a tenant receives two notice to remedy breaches for the same thing in a 12 month period, can a notice to leave be issued on the third breach?

What is the time period for a notice to leave if the tenant has been given a breach for unapproved pets and have failed to remedy?

What legislation administers pool laws?

When renting a unit with a pool, what must be done?

When do smoke alarms need to cleaned and tested?

How long does a tenant have to complete an entry condition report?

What are the requirements of an agent in regards to the entry condition report?

What are the 7 ways to lawfully end a tenancy?

Is the owner required to be given the entry condition report?

To register for the above weinbar and or for more information, please visit


Webinar part 2 - 22nd January questions
What is the name of the future industry legislation which will replace the PAMD Act?

What is the name of the tree and fencing laws in Queensland?

Are tenants required to be invited to the final inspection? Why or why not

If there are goods left behind at a property worth over $.......... - what must be done?

What is the law about the issuing of notices and how they are deemed to be delivered?

What section of the RTRA Act defines the meaning of emergency and routine repairs?

When a tenant has been provided a breach notice for rent arrears, what section of the RTRA Act has been breached (plus should be stated on the notice)?

Are agents legally required to provide owners with a copy of the breach notice? Why or why not?

What is the definition of a significant breach?

What is the definition of fees, expenses and commissions?

Is it a legal requirement for lessors to have public liability insurance??

Do lessors have to carry out pest control by law?

If a tenancy is periodic and for sale and the property goes under contract - how much notice must be given to the tenant under the RTRA Act?

Is it a legal requirement for safety switches to be tested?

To register for part 2 visit http://pmquestionsparttwo-eorg.eventbrite.com.au/?ebtv=C 


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