March 6, 2014

Property Management Excellence (PME) Manual update

As per the Real Estate Excellence March member update, version 1.7 of the PME manual will be released when the new legislation comes in to effect for Queensland. The current  PME manual is version 1.6.1.

I am working hard behind the scenes preparing; not only am I updating but am also working on improvements. We will hit over 300 pages for the manual when the version 1.7 comes out. Here is an example of added material coming soon. There will be far too many changes to note them for you regrettably but you can always print your end, use only online or I do offer the service to print and send to you (at a cost).

18.11  Giving notice requirements

Standard term 44 (1) of the Form 18a sets out that notices are to be in writing and if there is an approved form for the notice in the approved form.
Best practice is to always use the statutory forms such as Form 12 and Form 13 however note that the requirement states in the approved form, not on the approved form.
Technically a tenant could give notice in writing via email or letter and it could still be valid as long as it meets the requirements of the approved form

18.11.1 Giving notice and text messaging

There is currently no legislation in Australia that covers business related communication via text messaging (sms). The only legislation surrounding the use of SMS is the Spam Act which is for marketing and sms messaging.
If tenants sms their notice to leave it would not be acceptable as per the reasons above plus the provisions of standard term 44 (1) discussed in paragraph 18.11.


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