February 20, 2012

March Real Estate Excellence Member Update

Industry Update
·        The importance of proof reading before marketing leaves the office
·        Frequently asked questions about registering a pool or spa
Licensee/Administration Best Practice
·        How the Licence of the Principal must be displayed in the office as per the PAMD Act
Residential Sales Best Practice
·        Property Law, what is the difference between a fixture and a chattel
Residential Property Management Best Practice
·        Enforcing a QCAT decision

Not a member of Real Estate Excellence? For more information visit http://www.realestateexcellence.com.au/membership-information/cat_view/81-membership or email stacey.holt@realestateexcellence.com.au

February 18, 2012

Real Estate Excellence Membership

Real Estate Excellence offers SIX Membership options for the Real Estate Industry depending on the needs wants and budgets of your business.

• PLATINUM Elite Agency Membership  $44 per week – The ULTIMATE Elite Membership package with priority services and best benefits

• DIAMOND Priority Agency Membership $33 per week– A great package with premium services and many benefits

• GOLD Priority Agency Membership $22 per week – For agencies who do not require for best practice forms but would like premium best practice phone and email services and other benefits including discounted training services

• PLATINUM Elite (Boutique) Agency EXCLUSIVE Membership (for agencies of up to three staff including the licensee)  $27.50 per week -  The ULTIMATE Elite Membership package with priority services and best benefits

• ELITE Professional (Mentoring)  Membership – for individuals only – not available for licensees $17.50 per week

• General AGENCY Membership $11 per week - For offices that do not require best practice advice via phone or email and do not require best practice forms however would like the Member Updates and discounted training services.

 (prices above include GST)  QLD services only
For more information, please visit http://www.realestateexcellence.com.au/membership-information/cat_view/81-membership

February 7, 2012

QCAT - Form 8 - what every property manager should know

QCAT (Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) began on December 1 2009; the changes were substantial and many are still coming to grips with the many different procedures.

One of the important procedures that Property Managers and Licensees should be aware of is the use of the QCAT Form 8 - Counter application form. The form should be used in situations whereby the tenant has made application to Tribunal and have listed the lessor/agent as the respondent.

When tenants have made application to Tribunal and therefore are the respondent, property managers should consider whether a response is required prior to the hearing (time frame is 7 days from receiving the application from  the Tribunal). If the tenant has not set out all the matters that should be discussed on the day of hearing, and there are other matters that should be mentioned, that is when the QCAT Form 8 should be completed. This allows both application to be joined and heard together. If a counter application is not completed, the risk is that the Adjudicator/Magistrate may not consider other matters that are not mentioned on the tenant's application.

To access the form 8 Counter Application and notes on completion visit www.qcat.qld.gov.au
